Jazel’s Problem-Solving Series #3: Bungled Browse-ability

By Jazel Auto Marketing

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Dealers have a lot of challenges. So far in our Dealership Problem Solving Series, we’ve covered Irrelevant Online Offers and Search Bar Frustration, and this week, we’ll delve into one of the biggest issues in web design (regardless of industry) problems with “browse-ability.”


Dealership Website Problem #3: Bungled Browse-ability

Here’s the thing – as gorgeous and appealing as your site might be, your customer isn’t buying a website. They’re buying a car, and the purpose of your site is to facilitate that process. Ideally, your site does that so well they don’t even think about it. 

But then you run up against the typical symptoms of clunky design: 15-result-per-page SRPs populated by simple, uninformative snapshots. VDPs that make you you click “Open Link in New Tab” and then keep scrolling the SRP so you can give the page time to load. A browsing experience that makes this major purchase feel like a concern and a chore. 

How To Solve It:

Search results that encourage time on page. 

Time on page might not be the first stat you look to in your analytics (leads are king, we get it), but by no means should you be ignoring it. The longer people are willing to spend browsing your site, the more likely they are to:

  • Find a vehicle they’re interested in.
  • Get exposed to your dealership offers (see our last post featuring Behavior Based Targeting) and messaging. 
  • Become comfortable/familiar with your branding and dealership personality.  
  • Submit a lead. 

So, naturally, your site needs to be designed to be easy (and pleasant) to browse through. 

We achieve that with Auto SPA. 

Jazel’s Auto SPA (Single Page Application) is a two-in-one SRP and VDP, creating an unparalleled fast and fluid shopping experience. We’ve enhanced browsability even further with AutoFocus Highlights – machine learning technology that displays the most relevant and meaningful vehicle details for that shopper. 

All-in-all, AutoSPA means: 

  • Ridiculously fast load times for both your SRP and VDP.
  • Infinite scrolling that eliminates the need for distracting pagination.
  • Personalized and relevant search results that reflect what the shopper is looking for. 

Pictured: Easy to navigate.

Pictured: Infinite Scrolling. 

With features like infinite scroll (think Facebook or Instagram), users can browse inventory without having to load and wait for new listing pages. VDPs load instantly, with filters and sorting instantly adapting search results. All this fluid functionality keeps users shopping on your site, and bringing them closer to a sale. 

It’s no coincidence that the problems we’ve covered so far are all solved by creating inherently better experiences for your online customers and investing in the power of your online presence. 

After all, a website is a tool – and as an increasingly important tool, both to your customers and your dealership, but neither will get much done if it’s a pain in the butt to use. 

Is your site living up to these expectations?